更新:2023-01-02 03:46 编号:5893493 发布IP: 浏览:43次- 发布企业
- 上海庾合实业有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第8年主体名称:上海庾合实业有限公司组织机构代码:91310116MA1J9AM885
- 报价
- 人民币¥180.00元每支
- 品牌
- 泰扬permatex
- 型号
- 24105
- 产地
- 美国
- 关键词
- 泰扬24105,泰扬超黑垫片胶
- 所在地
- 上海市金山区亭林镇兴工路225号1幢E139室
- 联系电话
- 021-5429 9816
- 手机
- 13761538926
- 联系人
- 刘明焕 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
产地 美国
Permatex is a leading manufacturer, distributor and marketer ofpremium chemical products to the automotive maintenance and repairmarkets. The Company, which sold its first product in 1909, is arecognized leader in the introduction of new products and servicesin the automotive aftermarket. Permatex markets and sells a varietyof products under well-recognized brand names such as Permatex?,the Right Stuff?, and Fast Orange?.
Permatex currently operates in the United States, Canada, Mexicoand throughout the world. Domestic operations includePermatex's headquarters located in Hartford, Connecticut, astate-of-the-art Manufacturing, Distribution and Technical Centerlocated in Solon, Ohio and a Manufacturing Facility in Kansas City,Kansas.
Behind our products is the understanding that ourcustomer's needs are our primary interest. Our resourcesand people are organized to satisfy our customers. It is thismarket-driven mentality that makes Permatex a leading edge supplierof innovative products that meet the needs of automotiveenthusiasts, professional technicians and industriesalike.
Innovation through research and development is a Permatex hallmark.We continually enhance our capabilities at our laboratories andfacilities to provide our customers with a constant flow of new andimproved products.
In addition, Permatex is committed to conducting its business in amanner which protects the environment and the health and safety ofemployees, customers and the public, worldwide.
成立日期 | 2017年03月16日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘明焕 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 工业胶黏剂,密封剂,工业胶带,润滑剂,专业洗手液 | ||
经营范围 | 日用百货,机械设备及配件,汽车配件,汽车用品,电子产品,印刷材料,净化设备及配件,包装材料,机电产品,五金机电,化工原料及产品(除危险化学品、监控化学品、烟花爆竹、民用爆炸物品、易制毒化学品),胶粘制品,橡塑制品,医疗器械(仅限不需医疗器械许可证的品种)销售,商务信息咨询,绿化养护,楼宇保洁服务,... | ||
公司简介 | 上海庾合实业有限公司是一家综合性工业服务公司,成立于2017年3月,为专业胶粘剂解决方案服务商,为工业制造,工业维修保养,新能源,交通运输,航空航天,太阳能,核电,风能,特种建筑,船舶,汽车维修保养,等多个市场提供一站式服务。我司为美国ITW旗下品牌胶粘剂产品一级授权代理,Permatex,泰扬FastOrange洗手液,WD-40,3M工业胶带代理,具有多年的3M胶带相关产品的销售与服务经验。产 ... |
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- 美国Permatex泰杨洗手液PermatexHandCleaners您想拥有一款具有极佳强清洁效果的无水型洗... 2010-01-01
- Permatex泰扬65215美国进口原装油漆洗手液 漆工洗手膏115.00元/瓶
品牌:泰扬permatex - 美国泰扬permatex84115通用型环氧树脂泰扬AB胶98.00元/支
品牌:泰扬 - 泰扬24125 Permatex陶瓷极限制动零部件润滑剂330.00元/支
品牌:泰扬 - 代理美国泰扬牌permatex 84107高强度30分钟环氧胶30.50元/支
品牌:泰扬 - 美国泰扬牌Permatex 二号密封剂80011 法兰胶35.00元/支
品牌:泰扬permatex - 泰扬牌Permatex耐高温红色垫片硅胶8116022.50元/支
品牌:泰扬 - 泰扬Permatex 26240高强度螺纹锁固胶红色68.00元/支
品牌:泰扬 - 美国泰扬牌permatex81724/81725/85519超蓝硅胶45.00元/支
品牌:泰扬permatex - 原装美国泰扬牌Permatex80633含有铁氟龙的管牙密封剂368.00元/瓶
品牌:泰扬permatex - 美国泰扬牌permatex高铁地铁航空专用洗手液重油污洗手液1.00元/瓶