SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNA IVT Kit
更新:2019-08-01 17:34 编号:6637008 发布IP: 浏览:180次- 发布企业
- 北京中北林格科技发展有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:北京中北林格科技发展有限公司组织机构代码:110108010106116
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- cellscript总代
- 型号
- C-AS3106
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- 中北林格
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- SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNA IVT Kit,cellscript总代理中北林格,cellscript C-AS3106,
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- 北京市昌平区北清路生命科学园北清创意园2-1-102
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SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNA IVT KitC-AS3106
产品简介:北京中北林格供应SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNAIVT Kit C-AS3106,中北林格是cellscript总代理,提供cellscript产品货号报价查询。其他品牌包括LGCBiosearchTechnologies总代理,epicentre总代理,lucigen总代理,illumina总代理,ICLLAB总代理,ImmunoReagents总代理。</p>
SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNA IVT KitC-AS3106 规格介绍
名称:SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNA IVT KitC-AS3106</p>
分类:In VitroTranscription</p>
规格:50 reactions</p>
产品详情:For the production of in vitrotranscribed RNA with SP6 RNA polymerase and canonical (GAUC) NTPs.A reaction produces 90 µg RNA from 1 µg DNA in 2hours.</p>
SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNA IVT KitC-AS3106 品牌介绍:
The missionof CELLSCRIPT™ is to provide the best products andtechnologies for making and using RNA for translation in cells forclinical research and therapeutics.
Current products include kitsfor in vitro transcription, 5' RNA capping using either acap analog or capping enzymes, and 3' RNA polyadenylation, as wellas all-in-one kits for making capped, poly(A)-tailed mRNA fortranslation in cells.
CELLSCRIPT™ recently introduced INCOGNITO™ RNA TranscriptionKits for in vitrosynthesis of RNA that contains modifiednucleosides, such as pseudouridine (Ψ) and/or 5-methylcytidine(m5C) in place of the corresponding U or C canonical nucleosides(Figure 1). These kits are so-named because the capped,polyadenylated and nucleoside-modified RNA products (called"INCOGNITO mRNAs") are disguised so they do not induce innateimmune responses to the same extent as the corresponding unmodifiedmRNAs when transfected into mammalian cells that express a varietyof RNA sensors.
SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNA IVT KitC-AS3106 产品详情
The SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNA IVT Kitis specially formulated to enable users to obtain the maximumpossible yields of canonical (GAUC) RNA from an in vitrotranscription (IVT) reaction. The standard 2 hour, 20 μl reactionwill yield up to 90 μg of RNA from 1 μg of the control template.These yields are
made possible by the high-performance properties of the SP6-Scribeenzyme. The SP6-Scribe Standard RNA IVT Kit produces exceptionallyhigh yields of either long or short transcripts. The standardreaction can be scaled up to produce milligram amounts of RNA. Inaddition, an SP6-Scribe reaction can be readily modified to preparefluorescent-, biotinylated- or digoxigeninlabeled RNA. SP6-ScribeIVT RNA can be processed into mRNA (5'-end capped and 3'-endpoly(A) tailed) through the use of CELLSCRIPT's ScriptCap™ m7GCapping System, ScriptCap 2'-O-Methyltransferase Kit and A-Plus™Poly(A) Polymerase Tailing Kit (available separately). CELLSCRIPTalso offers the INCOGNITO™ line of transcription kits for theproduction of pseudouridine-
& 5-methyl-cytosine-containing (GA C and GA 5mC) IVT RNA. It hasbeen shown that -mRNAs and 5mC-mRNAs are translated into protein athigher levels and induce lower innate immune responses in human andother mammalian cells that express various RNA sensors compared tocorresponding unmodified mRNAs.
SP6-Scribe™标准RNAIVT试剂盒经过特殊配方,使用户能够从体外转录(IVT)反应中获得Zui大可能的经典(GAUC)RNA产量。标准的2小时,20μl反应将从1μg对照模板产生高达90μg的RNA。这些产量是通过SP6-Scribe酶的高性能特性实现了这一点。SP6-Scribe标准RNAIVT试剂盒可产生特别高的长或短转录产量。可以按比例放大标准反应以产生毫克量的RNA。可以容易地修改SP6-Scribe反应以制备荧光,生物素化或地高辛标记的RNA。SP6-Scribe IVT RNA可以通过使用CELLSCRIPT的ScriptCap™m7G加帽系统,ScriptCap2'-O-Methyltransferase Kit和A-Plus加工成mRNA(5'末端加帽和3'末端poly(A)尾)™Poly(A)Polymerase Tailing Kit(另购)。CELLSCRIPT还提供用于生产假尿苷的INCOGNITO™系列转录试剂盒 -
&含5-甲基胞嘧啶(GA C和GA 5mC)IVTRNA。已经表明,与相应的未修饰的mRNA相比,-mRNA和5mC-mRNA在较高水平上翻译成蛋白质并在表达各种RNA传感器的人和其他哺乳动物细胞中诱导较低的先天免疫应答。
SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNA IVT KitC-AS3106 其他关键词:</p>
cellscript SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNAIVT Kit</p>
cellscript总代理 SP6-Scribe™ Standard RNAIVT Kit</p>
cellscript总代理中北林格 SP6-Scribe™ StandardRNA IVT Kit</p>
cellscript C-AS3106 50reactions</p>
cellscript总代理 C-AS3106 50reactions</p>
cellscript总代理中北林格 C-AS3106 50reactions</p>
cellscript In Vitro TranscriptionC-AS3106</p>
cellscript总代理 In VitroTranscription C-AS3106</p>
cellscript总代理中北林格 In VitroTranscription C-AS3106</p>
成立日期 | 2007年04月06日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘晓京 | ||
注册资本 | 50 | ||
主营产品 | epicentre产品中国区总代理,Lucigen总代理,illumina总代理,ICLLAB总代理,ImmunoReagents总代理, Biosearch technologies总代理, | ||
经营范围 | 技术推广;...设计、制作、代理、发布广告;销售建筑材料、金属材料、电子产品、通讯设备、机械设备、五金、交电、日用品、计算机、软件及辅助设备。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。 | ||
公司简介 | 北京中北林格科技发展有限责任公司是一家专注于生命科学和生物技术领域高新技术企业。其前身是成立于1990年的专业从事动物血清生产及销售的生物技术公司。经过多年的努力,公司规模不断的扩大,现已成为国际一流的生命科学试剂产品和服务提供商。中北林格公司与国内外数十家生物试剂公司和代理商建立了密切协作的良好关系。我们为美国、加拿大、德国的一些欧美公司以及国内知名学府提供了优质产品和良好服务。2005年,公司 ... |
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